We will help you to leave your abusive relationship.
If you are someone experiencing domestic abuse it is important you think about how you will leave.
Do you have an exit plan?
Do you have an exit plan?
If you are someone experiencing domestic abuse you need to think about an exit plan.
If you consider that there is a real risk that you or a dependent child will be subjected to serious harm think about the following:
How would you obtain urgent help?
Have you spoken to a trustworthy friend or family member?
Where would you go?
Would you need to flee to a safe house outside of your borough - i.e. a women’s refuge?
Do you need legal advice about obtaining emergency court orders?
Important information & documents:
Make a note of important telephone numbers such as:
Your GP Women support groups
Health visitor Social worker
Solicitor Trusted individuals
When recording these details, if possible, avoid doing so on your phone if there is a risk that
your phone might be confiscated or accessed by someone you do not trust.
Record any important login details?
This is best done mentally for security purposes
Place important documents which apply to you or any dependent child in an accessible place, including:
Your driving licence
Recent bank statement(s)
Red book(s)
Any other important documents
Medication – for yourself and children
Any other important item(s) should there be a need for you and your children to leave in an emergency whereby you will have very little time to gather your belongings and be able to think with a ‘clear head’.
Make a plan on how you will actually leave -
Who will assist you confidentially
Where will you go
What transport would you use?
When putting a plan together you must do so carefully
You wouldn’t want to arouse the suspicions of untrustworthy members of your household as this is likely to place you at greater risk of harm.
Therefore, only take the steps that are necessary since your safety is extremely important, as well as the safety of young children who may be relying upon you.
Help is out there although accessing it might be different to how it was before Covid-19.
If you require urgent help and assistance or need to flee from where you are a solution will be found.
Please do not suffer in silence or in isolation.
CALL US NOW ON 020 8558 1986
Phone lines are open Monday - Friday : 9.30 am - 4.30 pm